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Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio


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Visual Studio 2022 and SSIS : Could not create a managed connection manager.

dherlaJan 20 2023

I use the Visual Studio for the first time, before I use only java tools but for this project I need to create SSIS package. Thus, I have installed Visual Studio 2022 with "Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2022" and "SQL Server Integration Services Projects 2022". After that, I have installed "Oracle Client for Microsoft Tools.exe".
When I develop in Visual Studio 2022 in the Server Explorer view and in the Data Flow view, I can create a connection "ODP.Net Managed Driver" to my Oracle database. In the Data Flow view, I can see the data in my Oracle database.
But, when I try to test my Data Flow, I have the following error :
ADO NET Source has failed to acquire the connection {---} with the following error message: "Could not create a managed connection manager.".
I don't understand the reason because if I can see the data during I develop for me all is good. Maybe, I have missed a config step but I don't know which. Can you help me ?
Thanks in advance

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Added on Jan 20 2023