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Upgrading to 11.2.11

PedroSoaresJan 14 2023

Hi guys,
I was reading Oracle readme from the 11.2.11 version and I ended up in a loop at the supported paths for this version. From my understanding to move from to 11.2.11 you need to install 11.2.x and go from there. But as I read each version readme if stated:
From: 11.2.8 to 11.2.11
From: 11.2.2 to 11.2.8
From: 11.2.0 to 11.2.2
So it doesn't seem I can install 11.2.8 as standalone and I need to install 11.2.0 and update to 11.2.2, then 11.2.8, then 11.2.11. Is this correct?
Thank you

This post has been answered by Vasantha Kumar on Jan 16 2023
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