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Support for netty-tcnative-boringssl-static for Solaris platform

User_WTU2LSep 16 2021 — edited Sep 20 2021

Hi Team,
I'm using Eclipse's vertx toolkit for my project which has dependency on io.netty jars.
We are also using netty-tcnative-boringssl-static, this artifact is statically linked against Google's boringssl, which is a fork of OpenSSL that has a reduced code footprint and additional features (such as ALPN). The static linking makes it easier to get started using tcnative on a system without having to worry about additional install steps.

Reference :

As of today, netty-tcnative-boringssl-static doesn't have support for Oracle Solaris 10 platform. So, as suggested by the netty developers, we need to manually build the jar for this platform.

Can you please help here with build steps for Solaris platform? This is super critical for us, and we are currently blocked without your support.


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Added on Sep 16 2021
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