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Sun Ultra 30 fails to boot from network/jumpstart

User_4FR15Oct 27 2022

Trying to revive an old Ultra 30 and install Solaris 10 on it but it fails to boot from network. Tried to boot both with RARP/bootparamd and DHCP but in both cases the failure is the same: only the first 512 bytes of the inetboot image is transferred, screen reads "4200", guessing this is the address 4000 + 200 hex (512 bytes). Looking the traffic on the wire, the Sun acks the first 512-byte block and the tftp server tries to send the second block several times but the Ultra just does not respond anything anymore. The system has two NICs and both are behaving exactly in the same way. Tried to force the NIC to 10 Mbit/s and half duplex, but no dice. I does not matter if the jumpstart/tftp server is connected directly or via a switch.
Since the onboard cdrom drive does not like the discs anymore, is there any other way to get the OS loaded on this thing? The machine has had the NVRAM and SCSI disks replaced.
Any advice?

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Added on Oct 27 2022