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Solaris 10 - RPM Packages (SUNWrpm)

User_S6I8POct 15 2022

Hi Guys,
Complete Solaris noob here. I attempting to help one of my customers, even though I have no knowledge of the OS, where I am attempting to install our agent on the host, however we do not provide a Solaris version. After a bit of Googling I found some detail on RPM packages being installed on Solaris, but most of the answers dont get down to actually calling RPM for installation.
I have installed the SUNWrpm package which was mentioned in each of the discussions I have read, however when attempting to run RPM it says 'Not Found'. I seen a couple of posts with the directory path people have used, but again 'Not Found'. I have used 'find' on the OS and found a path, but no RPM output after running.
Commands used / output
pkgadd -d /cd-rom/sol_10113_x86/Solaris_10/Product SUNWrpm
Installation of <SUNWrpm> was successful
rpm: not found
Location found on a post on a forum
/opt/sfw/bin/rpm: not found
find / -name rpm
No RPM output when attempting to run above and there is no other location on the OS where RPM is listed within the 'find' results.
If anyone could give me some pointers, maybe I have missed something but I have read every bit of content which is returned in Google and unable to find a solution.

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Added on Oct 15 2022
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