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OVD mapping

user1175091Sep 8 2014

Hi All,

Am a beginer in OVD. Could you help me to migrate some of the python scripts ovd 10g (running on Windows) to OVD11g(solaris) environment. There is no python deployment specified in OVD administration guide. I have seen some blogs which was explaning how through eclipse you create a project jar and add to OVD library through ODSM. Could you guide me in this area ?

Mean while I have notied that when am copying the respected jar and python script to OVD11g respected location, after a restart it was able to show me the mapping on the available mappings, but am not sure how accurate this is?

Also I was trying to connect to my ADAM adapter client view and its throwing the LDAP exception server message Protocol error.

Please advice me.


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