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OUD - When ldapsearch used, "additional info: ....." not displaying

user7807346Dec 5 2021

In the case of getting a disabled account info, I get "additional info:....." using ldapsearch from the ODSEE directory but I don't get that from the OUD directory as seen below. Is there a way to get that from OUD using ldapsearch as well? I also used OUD's ldapsearch but no "additional info:....." is there too.
from ODSEE:
$ /data01/ODSEE/dsee7/dsrk/bin/ldapsearch -h <HOST> -p 389 -b dc=entp,dc=tgc -e -1 -T -v -D "uid=user1,ou=people,dc=entp,dc=tgc" -j x uid=bora dn
bin_ldapsearch: started Sun Dec 5 04:11:43 2021

ldap_init( ldapenterpriseprod.turkcell.tgc, 389 )
ldap_simple_bind: DSA is unwilling to perform
ldap_simple_bind: additional info: Account inactivated. Contact system administrator.
from OUD:
$ /data01/ODSEE/dsee7/dsrk/bin/ldapsearch -h <HOST> -p 1389 -b dc=entp,dc=tgc -e -1 -T -v -D "uid=user1,ou=people,dc=entp,dc=tgc" -j x uid=bora dn
bin_ldapsearch: started Sun Dec 5 04:12:21 2021

ldap_init( marathoner2.turkcell.tgc, 2389 )
ldap_simple_bind: Invalid credentials
