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Oracle to sql server configuration issue - SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES = (NTS) or (NONE)

M.broJun 7 2022 — edited Jun 7 2022

Hi All,
Oracle database version :
I was connecting the Oracle database to SQL Server using ODBC Connective and HS services and created the datalink also.
I did with the configuration but I am facing one issue.
if I configurated NTS and restarted the database it's working fine there is no issue but I can't able connect to the SQL server.
ORA - 28454:error diagnosed by Net8 when connecting to an agent unable to retrieve the text of Network/NCR message 65535
ORA - 02063:Preceding 2 Lines from DBLINKNAME
if I configurated NONE and restarted the database but the error occurred database did not start
How it's working now :(Work Around)
First I configured NTS IN SQLNET file and then restarted the oracle database, Oracle DB connected successfully but I changed the SQLNET file NTS TO NONE then without restarting the DB services try to access the oracle database and SQL server both working fine.
After some time I restarted the oracle database services and the listener not working.

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Added on Jun 7 2022