I want to generate changelogs (controller.xml and sub-object-folders) into different folders and have a top_controller.xml file which puts them in correct order for lb update to execute them.
My problem is that lb generate-schema generates relative paths in controller.xml file what leads to following error when trying to run lb update:
--Starting Liquibase at 09:52:26 (version 4.17.0 #0 built at 2022-11-02 21:48+0000)
liquibase.exception.SetupException: liquibase.exception.SetupException: The file view/test_view.xml was not found in the configured search path:
More locations can be added with the 'searchPath' parameter.
here my setup:
lb update -changelog-file controller.xml works
lb update -changelog-file top_controller.xml does not work.
I have used include file to reference the changelogs.
top_controller.xml: <include file="ddl_generated\controller.xml"/>
controller.xml: <include file="view\test_view.xml"/>
Not 100% sure but I think in liquibase community version this would work.