Hi, I'm following Shay Shmeltzer's blogs (e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUUGqqFsj2w&t=303s&ab_channel=ShayJDev) to set up a git for Apex using Visual Builder Studio. I've got a build working which includes the line of code below (in line with the attached blog):
Lb generate-apex-object -applicationid {my app id} -skipExportDate -expOriginalIds -dir {code dir}
This all works, but I've had to omit the -split option which used to be possible with the 'genobject' command. When the option is included (either with 'genobject' or 'generate-apex-object') I get the error 'The supplied parameter "split" is not a part of command'.
This is important because it should allow me to version control individual pages within Apex Applications. At present, it just exports the entire application as a single .xml file.
Happy to provide any details that might help, thanks in advance.