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ORDS, SODA & JSON in the Database


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How to remove an ORDS configuration for a specific pluggable database?

LauryNov 26 2022 — edited Nov 28 2022

I am working with Oracle APEX 22.2 on an Oracle RDBMS 19c.
I have a dedicated ORDS amd Tomcat server installation.
I have installed APEX (22.2) and ORDS (22.3), with 1 ORDS default configuration that points to pluggable database 1 on database 1, 1 named ORDS configuration that points to pluggable database 1 on database 1 (zeus), and 1 named ORDS configuration that points to pluggable database 2 on database 1 (athena):
oel764-odb19c-s01:/u03/tomcat/ords/config/databases$ tree
├── athena
│ ├── pool.xml
│ └── wallet
│ └── cwallet.sso
├── default
│ ├── pool.xml
│ └── wallet
│ └── cwallet.sso
└── zeus
├── pool.xml
└── wallet
└── cwallet.sso

6 directories, 6 files
How can I remove the configuration for the named ORDS configuration that points to pluggable database 2 on database 1 (athena)?
Is is possible to change the ORDS default configuration so that it points to the pluggable database 2 instead?

Thanks by advance.
Kind Regards

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Added on Nov 26 2022
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