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how sqldeveloper mariadb select korean language like search problem

user5444453Nov 26 2021 — edited Nov 26 2021

jtds 1.3.1
jTDS - SQL Server and Sybase JDBC driver - Browse /jtds/1.3.1 at (0 Bytes)
mysql connector
MySQL :: Download Connector/J (0 Bytes)
Select “_Tools > Preferences_“.
Then in Preferences, expand Database > Third Party JDBC Drivers.
Click “_Add Entry…_“.
Select the Location where you unzipped the MySQL Connector/J archive and select the “_mysql-connector-java-x.x.xx-bin.jar_” file (where “x.x.xx” is the version).
"jtdsxx.jar" file select "OK" button click
Mariadb connection
Table select query execution

table sample.jpg (11.15 KB)
select * from a where name like '%가%';

Result : no row

result fail.

select * from a where name like '%ba%';

Result : 2 banana

sucess result.

No results are printed. Is it a setting problem?

In HeidiSQL software, the result is output normally.

Please contact us on how to solve the problem.

thank you.
Post Details
Added on Nov 26 2021
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