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Enable self bind in OVD adapter set up as proxy to OUD

2768514Oct 12 2015 — edited Oct 12 2015

I am able to bind as end user to OUD . I have ACI configuration that let me self bind to OUD but when i set up adapter in OVD i am unable to do it .Recommended configuration changes ?

Here is how the self entry read and modification ACI for OUD is set up:

(targetattr = "userpassword || authpassword") (version 3.0; acl "Self entry read"; allow (read,compare,search) userdn = "ldap:///self";)

(targetattr = "userpassword || authpassword") (version 3.0; acl "Self entry modification"; allow (write) userdn = "ldap:///self";)

OVD Adapter setting:

<ldap id="OUD" version="53">


















      <pluginChains xmlns="">






                  <param name="directoryType" value="oud"/>

                  <param name="mapObjectclass" value="container=orclContainer"/>

                  <param name="oamEnabled" value="false"/>

                  <param name="oimDateFormat" value="yyyyMMddHHmmss'z'"/>

                  <param name="pwdMaxFailure" value="10"/>




               <name>Performance Monitor</name>








                  <param name="hideFilter" value="(departmentNumber=114*)"/>





            <plugin name="UserManagement"/>

            <plugin name="Performance Monitor"/>

            <plugin name="fliter"/>










         <host port="1636" percentage="100" readonly="false"></host>
































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Locked on Nov 9 2015
Added on Oct 12 2015