I'm new to NoSQL DB, and I'm finding the documentation frustrating.
I don't see a place where all the various commands/subcommands to run with kvstore.jar are documented, let alone where all their options are documented too. I spent at least 30 minutes earlier today trying to find the wallet command, only to eventually realise that it's a subcommand to securityconfig.
The page https://docs.oracle.com/en/database/other-databases/nosql-database/19.3/security/oracle-wallet.html is insufficiently clear on this matter.
In addition, the -verbose command line arg is less than helpful:
$ java -Xmx64m -Xms64m -jar ${KVHOME}/lib/kvstore.jar securityconfig help wallet
The wallet command allows creation and modification of an Oracle wallet.
Usage: wallet create |
$ java -Xmx64m -Xms64m -jar ${KVHOME}/lib/kvstore.jar securityconfig help wallet -verbose
Enter command: securityconfig
The wallet command allows creation and modification of an Oracle wallet.
Usage: wallet create |
Leave command: securityconfig
I got more information on those options from https://docs.oracle.com/en/database/other-databases/nosql-database/19.3/security/oracle-wallet.html but the command help output should specify that information too.